fete bunting

Melbourne Victoria

Fete Sponsorship and Financials

Start looking for Sponsorship early. List the items you might need at the fete and try to source them through sponsorship arrangements. Begin by advertising in the school newsletter, then expand to local & regional businesses & other bodies. Small business can often find that participation in community fund raising represents a sound, low cost promotional option.

Sponsorship Proposal

A well-designed sponsorship proposal should deliver a cost-effective marketing solution for your sponsor, irrespective of whether they are a small business, mid sized company or larger enterprise.

Some sponsors may see their financial support as a straight donation, however most will expect some level of return from their investment, so think carefully and creatively about what you can offer to connect them with your local community. Benefits of sponsorship may include:

Fete Newsletter - this is a popular choice with potential sponsors because their logo featured in your newsletter lands directly in front of your community.

Website - having the ability to place sponsor's logos/links on your website or Facebook page gives advertisers increase visibility on the internet. This also gives the Sponsorship Proposal credibility, while increasing viability.

Fete Flyer - Majors sponsors are normally featured on the Fete Flyer Front Page, while all logos are featured on the back page. Flyers can then be distributed into the community via Letterbox Drops. Handing out Fete Flyers on the day of the event is a great way to reach a captive crowd with little to no effort on their part.

Call-outs - this is an easy option as it gives the sponsor their few minutes of fame. Every business owner likes to hear his or her company name over the PA.

Certificates of appreciation - these are easy to produce plus they give business owners a tangible way of showing their customers, that they support the community.

When requesting sponsorship from businesses and organisations, always remember to accept a 'no' gracefully. The business owner is only saying no to your offer, not to you, so don't get upset or discouraged. There can be any number of reasons why they may not be able, or willing, to support you right now. Thank them for their time and move on.

Always follow up afterwards. especially when you promise to call them or email them at a certain date or time, do so. Delivering on what you promise builds trust and looks professional. It's also important to recognise that they are busy people, so when you're done, thank them for their time. A little courtesy goes a long way and is remembered.

Fete Sponsorship is normally structured on various levels, depending on the value of contribution i.e PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE and SUPPORTING. For examples of professionally organised Sponsorship Proposals, just Google "School Fete Sponsorship".

Fete Financials

On the day of the Fete, set aside a secure area such as the main office, for the collection and counting of money. This room should be large enough for 3-4 people to work together. Access should be via one locked door only. It is suggested that at least one accountant be involved in the counting. A Coin Counting machine makes the task quick & easy. The school's bank may be happy to loan you one, otherwise they can be purchased Online for around $200.00.

You will need competent people on the day for cash handling including allocating floats, giving change, stall collections, and doing the final tally. Arrange with the schools bank for coin & money bags. Arrange for a night bank or other security measure for depositing cash during and after the fete (after hours). "Think positive - you are going to make a fortune!"

For each Stall and Activity, allocate:

  • Float
  • Labelled Collection Bag
  • A Listing in the Accounts File itemising the float, all collections, and final till.

In the Accounts Book, keep a record of the Float given to each Stall, periodical collections plus total takings on the day. Floats should be collected by the coordinator of each activity they are in control of and signed off as being "received". Pricing should be decided upon beforehand. Generally, prices are a little below that of shops for a similar item. Towards the end of the Fete, the prices of some goods may be discounted, especially perishable items that need to be sold out. Outside Stall Holders can either pay a Site Fee, or "percentage of takings". Ensure all Site Fees are paid in advance, with Profit Share percentages payable at the end of the event.

Many schools now hire a security guard for the Fete. This ensures any unruly problems can be dealt with quickly and efficiently. The guard also secures the Treasury area after the fete while all counting is being done.

Collecting from Stalls

Ensure all Committee members who collect from Stalls are properly identified with a badge or coloured t-shirt. Each Stall & Activity should be notified as to how the collections will be made & by whom. Many years ago, a member of the public designed his own P&C Badge, then collected money from some of the Stalls at a local School Fete. Police were called in, with the person ultimately arrested.

You can identify all Money Collectors by photocopying their Driver's Licence/s, and including on the one "Collectors ID Sheet" which is then given to each Stall. Volunteers can then easily confirm the identity of any Collector.

When collecting cash from the various activities, ensure each is left with enough change to continue selling. When collecting, clearly mark the bag/envelope/container with the stall name you are collecting from. Work in groups of two when collecting & collect regularly.