fete bunting

Sydney NSW ACT

Fete Planning

It's all very well organising a Fete, though how much money is required? Where will the money be spent? A well laid out Fundraising plan will be needed, with clear and realistic objectives; and a clear timeline to work with.

Fundraising Plan

By setting a target to be achieved; the event is given purpose which helps encourage & motivate helpers, supporters and possible sponsors.

Ensure the purpose and financial objectives of the fundraiser are continually promoted in the school newsletter. Parents are normally very supportive when they are aware the funds raised will be invested in specific facilities which are of benefit to their children.

A Fete Fundraising Plan may include:

  • Raise $50,000.00 for the Splendor Primary School, which will be invested in an urgently-needed refurbishment of the School Hall
  • Bring the whole school together to help run the fete to ensure the whole school community feels ownership and connection to the fete, school and each other
  • Provide a fun and positive atmosphere for the whole community
  • To showcase the school to the community
  • To celebrate together as a school community

Select a Date

Prepare a short-list of preferred dates, then do your homework. Check that children will not be away on camps or attending major sporting events at other schools during that particular weekend. It's vital the date of your Fete does not clash with another local or major regional community event such as:

  • Agricultural Shows
  • Local school Fetes & Fairs (Private & State)
  • Community Festivals & Celebrations
  • Major sporting events such as the AFL & Rugby League Grand Final

There are many private schools with affiliated Churches on the same or adjoining blocks. Check the Church does not have a wedding planned for that particular day, or your School Hall doesn't have a private event booking.

If another school in your area regularly holds a Fete on a particular date, there's little point in "jumping in" the week before. Not only will this have a detrimental effect on attendance at the two events, both schools will have reduced sponsorship support as the community is bled dry of donations. Try and put as much space as possible between the date you have in mind & other events in the area. Once confirmed, inform all School and Festival Committees in the general district of your fete and the date chosen. Remind them on a monthly basis and request regular advertisements in their newsletter - this is vital.

Small schools or schools located in regional areas, should avoid holding their events durng the busy Spring Fair season of August through to late October. Not only is there a better chance of sourcing external suppliers such as amusement rides; there is less competition from other events held in the same area. This increases attendance and potential sponsorship opportunities.

Select a Time

Four to five hours is the normal operating period for a school Fete. This gives children ample opportunity to gain value for their Ride Pass, and allows the parents time to browse through the stalls and activities on display. Experience indicates that the general public will spend the same amount in five hours, as they will in six or seven hours, so why run longer?

Extending the time period beyond five hours will not only drain the spirits of the volunteers, it makes sourcing helpers considerably harder at the next fete. Six to seven hour Fetes are also very hard on the Ride Operators, who usually spend two to three hours setting up, then the same packing up. Add say six hours of operation, and another three hours of travel to and fro. That's a total of 14-15 hours work on Fete day.

Winter Fetes in Qld are traditionally held during the middle of the day from 10am to 3pm. During Autumn and Spring, operating times vary. Most are Midday Fetes, though Twilight Fairs extending from 3pm to 7pm are also common. Evening events draw the largest crowds, especially when fireworks end the festivities.

From Mid October through to late November, Fetes & Fairs tend to run from the early afternoon to the early evening. No one likes spending the day in the middle of an oval during extremely hot weather, as the heat can be unbearable. The general public will tolerate showery weather more so than extreme heat. As a consequence, there is often a dramatic fall in attendance due to heat, whereas the effects of an occasional shower, can be minimal.

Select a Theme

Every school celebrates their 25th, 50th, 75th and 100th anniversary. These are special events with a high emphasis on history, memorabilia & reunions. When not in an Anniversary year, there is a wide variety of other themes available including:

  • Spring Fair
  • Country Fair
  • Twilight Fair
  • Fantasy Fair
  • 60's Rock & Roll
  • Back to the Beach
  • Multicultural
  • Surfin' Safari
  • Circus
  • Mega Fete
  • Monster Fete
  • Halloween Fete
  • Pirate Fete
  • Swing into Spring
  • Super Hero
  • Tropical Nights
  • Winter Fete
  • Springfest
  • Spring Carnival
  • Community Fair
  • Carnivale
  • Fun Fest
  • Around the World
  • Great Fete